Africa raising

The space for doing Online Lending in EU or Russia is limited. Some companies are switched focus to Balkans with total population around 55m, some companies enters Central Asia with the population around 75m. Why do companies from Russia or EU choose these regions? One of the reasons, because investors have lower cultural and uncertainty barriers. Location of these countries is closer and behaviour of the people more understandable to Russian and EU investors.

However there are few galaxies “far far away”:
Southeast Asia with 655m population
South Asia with 1,8bn population
Africa 1,2bn population

Top 10 the most technologically advanced countries in Africa:
1. South Africa
2. Kenya
3. Mauritius
4. Egypt
5. Botswana
6. Rwanda
7. Senegal
8. Tanzania
9. Namibia
10. Uganda

Here is the good read about those countries —>

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